1990 -1994
Drake Training and Technologies changes its name to Drake Prometric to better represent the company's focus on the business of professional test delivery and exam administration.
Sylvan purchased Prometric from Drake to expand its presence in the academic and professional test development and test delivery business.
Prometric was acquired by The Thomson Corporation as part of an effort by Thomson to expand its reach into corporate education and testing.
The acquisition of CapStar and its subsidiary businesses (Experior and Chauncey Group) from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) on August 16, 2004 gave Prometric a market share in the paper and pencil testing market and the state-based market, while simultaneously strengthening its relationship with ETS, its largest client.
The acquisition of CapStar and its subsidiary businesses (Experior and Chauncey Group) from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) on August 16, 2004 gave Prometric a market share in the paper and pencil testing market and the state-based market, while simultaneously strengthening its relationship with ETS, its largest client.
BPEA, a leading global investment firm, completed the acquisition of Prometric—furthering Prometric’s ability to grow and innovate in serving the needs of clients and their candidates worldwide. Prometric now operates as an independent, Delaware-based company owned by investment funds affiliated with BPEA and governed by a Board whose membership represents an exceptional balance of skills and experience.